The darkest con of man.
Power in their hands not ours.
“As the light arrives
we see that the light is in fact only a reflection of the darkness manifest in
a void of nothingness.” P.W.
Who believes that there is anything that we can have a choice
over? Are you really that sure the reality before you is not yet another layer
of the deception created before we were even thought of?
And can we indeed have a way to reconcile the desire to live differently to the way we have done, a way that evidently fails to give lasting happiness and a cessation of suffering?
And can we indeed have a way to reconcile the desire to live differently to the way we have done, a way that evidently fails to give lasting happiness and a cessation of suffering?
For a timeless age, men have aspired to go beyond the limits
of our thinking. Developments and experiences have helped us to believe that a
way to be better than we have, is possible. And, that religion and science can
do battle yet not supply all the answers to vital questions. Things that
commonly elude us and are as phantoms on the ether is ever the debate at large.
Yet in that space, exists a hope for the dreamers amongst us to believe that a
way out of constant struggling could arrive and relieve us of the doubts we
hold about our purpose here on earth, our reason to be alive at all.
Many well respected people theorise, hypothesis and rationalise
these questions, many fools also offer opinion and come to similar conclusions
no doubt. Relative truth says we may never know. That we will always look for
the answers in vain, because we fail to see that our starting point is
potentially flawed by our ego. This is where I myself keep coming back to.
I struggle to understand how we humans imagine we have any
real power and dominion over the other aspects of the planet, our environment
and other beings. The reality of this is not based upon any facts, evidence or
truth, but simply upon a decision that it is such. To me, this is self-evident
that we maintain a collective psychosis and mental ineptitude towards our place
in this space and in this time.
Carl Sagan the renowned astronomer, cosmologist, astrophysicist, astrobiologist said something to this affect when he spoke of us as the
mote of blue dust in the cosmos, and the work that he pioneered to reveal this
And yet here we still are, contemplating the universe and the
cosmos as if we have a place to create and decide fate, over mere observation
of its grand power and majesty. I personally feel we are too insignificant in
this realm to seriously conclude our importance above any other aspect of that
reality. The one thing we often fail to achieve it would appear, is to accept
ourselves as an equal in this sphere of existence. Not greater, not lesser,
just another part of the complexity and enormity of it all.
But to the matter closer to home, our thoughts of what we
can control, what we can have a dominion over. I observe that the current
system of human affairs, the political, economic, socio-demographic, scientific
and religious aspects are being controlled at a level way above our heads in terms of
the general population. We are led to believe that we have an active participatory
role in the world in which we live, one that we collectively have total control
over. By this I mean, Joe Bloggs feels sure that he has a direct input into
what happens for his or her benefit. And that he can chose where he lives and what
he eats and when he sleeps and what car he drives, etc…
But is this a completely rational ideology/belief or even partly true, if not
completely true?
I aim to demonstrate that this is in fact not the case at all
and that the darkest con of mankind ever to have been told is that we are free.
That freedom, real freedom can exist at all.
Isn't everything a matter of relativity?
Isn't everything a matter of relativity?
I hope to argue that nothing is ever disconnected from
anything else and that in reality, connectedness is actually the truth of our
learning and experience. If this argument were true then surely it favours acceptance,
for to resist would and will create more of the feelings associated with
suffering and pain. Happiness would be the current baseline if we were to
accept the good with the bad on even terms and control with lack of control
with equal measure.
An example of connectedness: Whenever it is windy, the air
pressure can make items that are not fixed to the floor move to another place.
Depending on certain factors, an item will move greater or lesser distance
relative to its origin, weight, position relative to the pressure, altitude,
material make up and shape can all have a greater or lesser effects on this
movement. But the wind (pressure) has a noticeable effect upon all items irregardless, even if it seems initially imperceptible. A tornado/hurricane for example has greater capacity for
moving items at its heart, the vortex is stronger than at the outer reaches of its flow,
but it still wreaks havoc on the surface as it passes across.
A stone thrown into a pond for example affects the immediate area of
water more than the farther outreaches of its impression, but we cannot
determine accurately just how that movement can travel and where it no longer
has any affect.
Then there is the butterfly affect and a word of consolation, empathy, kindness shared with love can often be observed to have moved people in ways that were not thought possible. Hate creates ill feeling and depression, love builds up the weak and finds outcomes that reach beyond mere physical boundaries.
Then there is the butterfly affect and a word of consolation, empathy, kindness shared with love can often be observed to have moved people in ways that were not thought possible. Hate creates ill feeling and depression, love builds up the weak and finds outcomes that reach beyond mere physical boundaries.
But to the heart of my discussion, the topic I wish to
challenge us all to consider more fully. Who if not us, has the control of what
others do or decide to do?
It has come to my attention that we are not as free to choose
an outcome as we had previously thought would be the case. Many of us imagine
that it is our right to have a democratic system that gives us the choice, a
chance to determine our own freedoms, the outcomes of selective choice, but can
we honestly say that occurs in practice. The vote on the EU in or out for
example. Britain has a choice we are told, stay in Europe and be semi governed
by the bureaucrats of Brussels, or leave and regain our own position in terms
of cooperation and trade. (This is the simplified version of course)
We are told we have a free vote as to the decision our
country will take. (Note that this is predominantly told to us by our minority
proportionally (24% of the voting electorate) elected government. The same
government whom are now taking apart any semblance of democracy we once had and
selling it off to the highest corporate bidders. The arguments for in and out are equally compelling I see,
depending upon your leanings of corporate interests, cooperativeness or socialist tendency. We have
clearly been affected by improvements to the human rights issues, the court of
justices have already brought a few people to trial for war crimes committed over
past decades. Laws that have helped employees and workers have more safeguards
in place and quotas for the fair share of resources are amongst the outcomes of
the EU since its conception, as trade unions forced the issues and shaped public opinion also.
However have you also considered to whom, either of these
arguments in or out matter the most? Is it of any concern to trade between
company’s if we were in or out? Many say that by staying in we are giving carte
blanche to TTIP. We imagine that may be one of the outcomes of course, but is
it really?
I beg you to consider closely, does it matter to the people
who own the corporations with which hand they take from you? Is it not clearly
evident that certain people own all the corporations in some way, or influence them and that connecting
the dots could reveal much that we fail to consider relevant. I believe that as
long as they think that you are occupied with trivialities such as which bunch
of bureaucrats have governance, you won’t see anything of the truth that they
are closing the gap on any freedoms that may once have existed. There is no
such thing as free trade or even fair trade, the controlling powers of the
world own it all and prescribe what you and I will have, and what we are
allowed to believe.
Please feel free to challenge my premise, I am not saying
that I am correct, merely that we ought to consider the possibility that we are
without any power at all over this matter. I believe it has long ago been decided by
others, who receives what and when. For some time now it is corporations who have made headway in
the realms of what they own and what power to control markets they have. Whilst
most of us have been busy trying to make a better life for ourselves and our
immediate families, they have been taking apart the framework of any real democracy,
leaving us all prone to abuse at the very highest level.
Just think about this for a moment. Why do they need to be
able to sue governments? (Government money is effectively the property of the
ordinary people) Are they not actually being given a fair share of trade that
can help their business grow? Why are so many monopolies taking the place of
fair share? If they were not so focussed on growth, profit as the reason for
being in business then couldn’t they, no shouldn’t they be happy with what they
have already? Look at what a corporation is. The sole function of a corporation
today, is to make obscene profits for its shareholders. Not what they were
originally chartered to achieve, but what they have morphed into. Is the reason
for a corporation to make the world a better, more fair and equal place? Is it
to create wealth for everyone and share it equitably, whilst working within the
bounds of sustainability and responsibility to the environment and people? Do
they care about the shortfall of life giving resources that are being taken at
such alarming rates, purely to feed the greedy profiteers?
I imagine that you are saying NO they are not??
Another thing I feel compelled to mention which again
indicates a pattern of corporate plundering.
Who benefits from WAR?
Ordinary civilians trying to live a simple life and raise
Or the people whom sell the weapons of war and trade of them?
When you consider the amount of money (public assets don’t
forget) that goes into weapons, soldiers and warfare generally, does it not
seem a tad odd that that figure is obscenely larger than anything that is spent
on the preservation of life and liberty. Oh yes they will tell you that war
gives people their freedom and liberty. I say ask yourself whom has gained that
from war? Fighting the war on terror with our money, has that lessened
terrorism or increased it?I often wonder why I have been so blinkered and effortlessly
stupid to have believed that rhetoric at all….
It is this simple, Corporations make money from war, as they
do from medicines, pharmaceutical companies researching treatments for diseases
that had once not existed, and stuff. Rubbish that does not give us freedom but
slavery to it.
So please, take a few minutes to digest what I have carefully
offered here as another perspective. It is one mad mans view perhaps of the way
tyrannical governments have been manipulating the masses, under the control not
of the general publics’ say so, but of others. These people whose despotism and
ego, knows no bounds to human kindness or empathy to human life, animals,
species yet to be discovered and the planet itself.
Sadly there is seriously only one other option. As the great
soul that was Gandhi once said;
“They may torture my body, break my bones, even
kill me. Then they will have my dead body, but not my obedience.”
In other words, you will not have my obedience
unless I give it to you”.
NON-COMPLIANCE to the rule of tyranny, peaceful disobedience
is the only thing we will ever personally have a control over.
It isn’t easy of course, fear of what might happen often
takes people back into the control environment of the others. But it is the
thing that once resolved within our hearts to do, can release us all from the
suffering under oppression. Stand united, stand in solidarity against the power
of these tyrants and the system will unravel and real justice and true freedom
can come to the fore. A better world is possible, it is within our power to
make that happen.
John Lennon once clearly pointed out, we can have peace. War
is over! if you want it… He said.
Have a great day, and enjoy the light that reveals true love.
Peaceful Warrior.