may know me well enough to know I try to avoid making swift
judgements about anyone, especially if I am also in that group. But I
want to talk about what cowards, are the men that hurt women.
at the outset I do not wish to give the impression that I don't
believe women have any power, therefore are lesser or deserve to be
put down. Quite the opposite, women are incredibly powerful. In many
ways, far more so than men. But it is apparent in our world that men
have somehow taken the control of everything, and have in too many
ways removed the respect and natural order of things that women are
better equipped for. I mean, nature gave women the responsibility of
bringing new life into the world, and by contrast it would seem that
men have chosen to be the ones responsible for ending many of those
lives, all be it before their natural end.
can be bullies of course, but they have no real desire for it in the
main. Men by contrast however are arrogant at insisting on their way
being right. For thousands of years this has not been challenged to
any real degree, and a feeling of rightness appears to have
embedded itself in the male of the species. If we looked at the
animal kingdom, we see this male dominance often, but it is always in
a manner to coexist with their mates according to the natural order.
Men however appear to want something slightly different. Sure we do
want to use our natural strength and hunter gatherer/ protector role
to best advantage for the safety and security of our loved ones.
Sadly however many of my gender do severe injustices to these same
loved ones in a misplaced feeling of protection. They bully and
demean the very people they claim to love. This is not a natural
behaviour even if it would seem so from certain social aspects and or
regions. A few particular places in our fair isles have long been
stereotypically regarded as wife beaters, bully's and hard men. Of
course this is also a misconception, but having gone unchecked for
centuries by a society run by men, for the benefit of men firstly,
little wonder.
we have done to women over the vast history is nothing short of a
scandal. Women have had to fight tooth and nail to get even close to
a level of fairness, even having to have resorted to trickery and
sexual bribery, one thing sure to get men's attention. But all too
often that has not worked and they have been punished for trying to
get up off the floor after having been abused in whatever way men
chose to met out that justified punishment. (Justified to
no-one but men)
makes me feel sick to my stomach, what atrocities we the male of our
species have done to our women. And I feel humbled that they have
stuck around whilst we did this, in the hope that one day they might
be treated without contempt and disrespect. They clearly had the
greater good at heart, the furthering of our race and its ongoing
existence. Thanks be to them for this patience.
can this carry on? Should we not come to truly respect and cherish
their beautiful natures? Do we have to repeat this tragedy for
several thousands of years to come?
for one am willing to look at ways to give the proper respect to the
sacred femme. To the bearers of our children, the home makers that
fill our world with true love and the givers of creative talent that
keeps our world alive.
up men, stop bullying your families your wives and girlfriends, your
children for gods sakes!! Learn to treat them all with respect.
Surprisingly as it is to you/us, the male, that actually doing this will
bring you better happiness and contentment. More respect from your
loved ones and everyone else. A life filled with good feeling that
does not cost others theirs. Are you not aware that women don't enjoy
being put down, made to feel insignificant and like something on the
bottom of your shoe? Is it really so important that you impress your
peers, your mates, the select men's club with your disrespect towards
other human beings? Is it worth so much to us that we lose the
respect of the very people that are our reason to be around, to have
control over our domain?
venture that if you were brave enough to try this and not cowardly,
you would also realise the direct benefit to yourself and others.
Might is not right, nor is forcing someone to do something they
cannot choose.
applies to other men too. History has convinced me of one thing in
this regard. War creates war, hatred and disrespect breeds more of
the same. Only love, loving kindness can reap the best crop of
happiness for you me and everyone on this planet.
you care?
not, please ask yourself why. You may find that you are indeed not
strong enough to face your own weakness. The only cure for this lack
of respect for decency is that you will choose a better reality, this
is real courage, real strength. Love is not a weakness, it is the
greatest force you will ever know.
pray that it will be present in you now, and that you can work
towards a world of happiness for all.
and Peace.