Friday, 27 December 2019

Why do so many people criticise the messenger?

Why do so many people criticise the messenger?

Have you noticed like me, that there is quite a lot of vitriol towards the climate activists, Extinction Rebellion and especially Greta Thunberg

Ok, so I’m one of those activists, so maybe that is why I don’t understand, I’m also busy doing things to get the conversation started and hopefully influence others to take the science seriously. I felt sure that once the science was released onto the open forums of discussion that everyone would feel equally anxious and keen to find ways to help stop the impending chaos and climate crisis going any further. That we might all collectively get projects underway to avoid if not mitigate the worst case scenarios billions of Earths inhabitants must surely face if the science predictions prove true. But what I’m seeing is very little in the way of action from ANY of the governments of the world despite it being a United Nations report that has brought the up to date discoveries to the fore. I mean, FFS am I living in some kind of parallel universe?

Even if the IPCC report was inconclusive (which it is not) why have the discussions failed to manifest on the world stage at the highest levels amidst the same teams of professionals normally called upon to deal with other crisis’? There is a complete failure to take seriously the evidenced report that is reminding us of the other reports that have been published over the past decades going back a very long way. It’s as if there are reasons why the governments do not want anyone to hear about the fallout that will occur if the science is correct and the environment brings about that foretold catastrophe. Is it just a few of us that have joined the dots and worked out the climate migration that will occur, the huge death tolls and the related food and water shortages? 

There have been numerous films produced over the past decades that have illustrated the occurrences that would come to pass if a global predicament suddenly expressed itself. Films about alien invasion and environmental factors, solar flares and asteroids coming towards earth and in each of these film the world leaders all come together in the end to save mankind, and everyone lives happily ever after…Da da da… Well at least they seem to work together in a way that expresses a desire to help the continuation of life on earth and find success in collaborative endeavours rather than give in to the hopelessness the would spell an end to the world. Is that naive of me to think that none of this same sincerity and passion to avoid catastrophe exists in the ‘real world’ in anyone other than the afore mentioned activists? It beggars belief to consider what the evidence of misdirection and denial are going to produce. So many honest and ordinary people scoff at the idea that a global crisis is imminent when all the science that has been documented in this report would and DOES suggest it is imminent. 

No-one more than I would wish this report was wrong and that the future was not going to be precarious, one in which billions of human beings and creatures arrive at extinction or disaster and suffering at the very least. I have my own ideas as to why the governments are doing nothing. Actually they are doing worse than nothing, they are denying it is happening in favour of continuing with a business as usual mentality. And whom has anything to gain from that I wonder? People need to wake up and join the dots if they are to see ways to continue for any more than a few generations to come. I like others could lay the blame squarely at the feet of the erroneous Neo Liberal/Capitalist world view that pervades society and all facets of human endeavour until the cows come home, but that will not get action in the right direction at all. We need to bring the discussion to people at any level we can and incite actions on behalf of the whole world. We need to get on with it too, not keep on having more world forums where very few ordinary people have a voice. Actually we need to eradicate the system that has allowed for this environmental suicide to continue, rebel for life and get equipped for the very real and imminent danger we all face. Its no time for sitting on fences, deck chairs or backsides watching the tides rise and the storms decimate lives of the most vulnerable. 

And what seems worse than all of this ignorance and dilly dallying is the full frontal vilification of the messengers of the climate crisis. People in positions of large influence and regard are some of the worst at giving mixed responses to the science. World leaders continue to take bribes from industries that are the worst offenders and criminals rather than make plans to implement the changes suggested by the well informed. Corruption at the very highest levels by individuals and companies is rife and the masses feel powerless in the face of the task whilst those feeding them the actual truth are being condemned as lunatics and fear mongers. It is the height of disgusting behaviour by the governments to allow this inaction and denial of the facts being presented, preferring efforts being pursued to sully the good name of people like Greta and XR who ask for nothing personally from their actions. Even the president of the USA who is by some considered to be the most powerful man on the planet is a climate denier. He actually has made it a personal mission to hate and vilify Greta Thunberg which is quite appalling, not even a measured and reasonable response to anything. No wonder that the ill informed and ignorant support him if they think he speaks for them. For the same reason he is in denial. He doesn’t want fairness and equality for anyone other than those in that club he thinks he is a part of. He’s so dumb that he hasn’t even figured out that he is not included in that club at the level he thinks he is… Seriously there are groups of wealthy people that will never let us know the truth for fear of losing the control they have over each and every one of us. Or that they think they have!

The fear of loss is what has motivated everyone throughout history, but few have ever realised that loss is part of the way life goes. If only everyone was prepared to share what the planet gave each of us for free, who’d have to suffer?

Don’t let others tell you that a 16 year old Swedish girl is your enemy. That’s plain stupid and so are those that do not see the climate science for what it is. Look with your own eyes, do your own research, don’t simply trust Google or Facebook, the Broadcasting Media or even the Government to tell you the real truth. They have vested interests in you remaining uninformed and ignorant. Please do not be ignorant and get out and find the truth. Read some old books and talk with experts who can show their impartiality before that is also denied to you.

But most of all learn to trust your on intuitions, they are there for that very purpose. If you can’t, see who has something to gain from their arguments because that will do something similar. 

What do I have to gain?

A world where love peace and harmony rule the decision making process. One governed by need not greed and parity between all people, creatures and life forms…

Rebel for life - Extinction Rebellion .

Saturday, 2 November 2019

Democracy, truth or lie ?

Democracy, truth or lie ?

I woke up in a cold sweat and recalled the tragedy of my dream. The earth was being destroyed at an alarming rate and creatures and life forms were disappearing on an hourly basis. The ones responsible for governance were not at all interested in quitting the polluting and destructive behaviours favoured by large companies and institutions for they received large donations and sweeteners from those companies. War raged and millions were being displaced and became homeless, starving and cold whilst oil extractions took place all around them. Children played in the debris and looked on horrified at the rubble that was once their school or hospital, wondering if the noise would ever abate. Queues of ordinary people lined the pavements waiting for scraps of food from the almost empty shops, and fighting erupted between people once good neighbours.

As the mist cleared from my head and my eyes became accustomed to the morning light I recoiled, realising that none of this was a dream. This was the world in which we all live. Lord help us…

As the days move along I see that nothing significant has changed in a very long time, except that the telling of truth has become a rebellious act. Politicians, mainly those who have been in government over the recent decades, have presided over a total shift in the open and honest discussions that were once the pride of our nation. Secrets being kept under wraps in the name of ‘National Security’ that offers no-one except the guilty safety from punishment have dominated the governments narrative for far too long. Those in ‘power’ have no obvious moral guidelines, and no recall from telling lies that are hurting innocent people and disgracing the idea of a democratic state. It is a very bad state of affairs that those that tell the truth are being hounded by well funded media and corporate institutions, who falsely accuse them, of trickery and disloyalty. Those very institutions are themselves unaccountable to anyone for blatant disregard to the art of truth and support for a democratic dealing with the citizens of our planet.

The BBC that had once been the servant of journalistic freedom has now been reduced to a faithful slave to the elites that control our governments and law institutions. The only truth they seem to know these days is to a fabrication of loyalty to the crown and oppressive regime they bow down to. To anyone who can see the truth, this broadcasting company is serving the interests of none of the ordinary people, but that of the wealthy corrupt corporations who are the very cause of 99% of the destructive behaviour we see.

I often wonder just how things got to be so messed up. How the poor and working people became surplus to requirements instead of being treated with dignity and respect for their labours. Was there a turning point or was this a gradual slide into injustice and oppression? 

Having done quite a lot of personal research into this I still find my naivety often lost under the weight of evidence to suggest this has been a well thought out cycle of oppression and exploitation by certain groups of people over a sustained period of human history. I guess it serves no-one for me to name those I see as responsible, for everything is subjective, but suffice as to say I do name our governments of the last few hundred years or so, the media moguls and the huge corporations who have decimated our planet to extract materials for profit. It seems that a ‘Frankenstein monster’ has been allowed to be created and go unchallenged for so long, that to do so now seems futile. However I say it is not futile but lazy and irresponsible if we don’t actually hold this monster to account and stop it doing more harm.

Logic would dictate that if faced with an imminent threat, a huge upsurge in participation would occur to stave off the threat posed. Those with knowledge, influence and power would logically be the first to act in defence of others rights to life, security and democracy. The reality is however that they are the last ones to act in defence of our democracy, our wellbeing or our human rights. It has always fallen to the brave to stand up and reveal the truth to others and share ideas of how to survive, deal with or escape the impending troubles. In this our world leaders are complicit in lethargy, denial and inaction on scales never before witnessed. They would rather lock it all up under some pretext of avoiding public panic and outcry, when the very truth of the situation is exactly the message we need to make us all wake up and act now.

For a very long time I was ignorant and complicit in not doing enough to make the situation known to others. Like the rest of us I thought that some things needed to be ‘kept a secret’ for public safety, balance and future development of society. NOW I know, unequivocally that there is no more time for inaction, talking it over nicely over a cup of tea and a biscuit. The truth is my dear reader, that the human race is on the verge of extinction itself and hiding facts and evidence, denying there is a problem is only going to cause much more suffering. No-one wants to suffer, that defeats the whole ideal of a good life and happiness. But we must face facts, learn what we can do to avert the worst of the outcomes and for the love of all that we hold dear, only accept the TRUTH as our friend.

Those that continue to tell us un-truths, lies and attempt to deceive us must not be allowed to continue. We need to expose those lies and that corruption before we cannot stop the impending onslaught that the outcome that ideology creates, which is death and suffering. Dear readers please go away from this point and look for the truth that will set us free. Listen not to those that tell us what they think we ought to know, and only those that can back up with facts and evidence the truth they tell. Do all your own reading and research and filter out all the ego and agenda that so many promote. 

One day we might be able to look our children and grandchildren in the eye and say we did not give up despite the overwhelming trickery of our governments and media to deny us a future.

If you want justice, a fair shot at the chance to live in a world without fear and suffering then we must unite in the work of exposing the lie and telling the truth at all times.

In solidarity.
Peaceful Warrior.

Sunday, 13 October 2019

How do we live with ourselves?

How do we live with ourselves? 

Whether we like it or not there is compelling evidence that we are in the time of the Sixth mass extinction of life on this planet. 

Ok so life did eventually make it back and here we are as evidence of that, but is anything notably different now?

I offer here a chance to investigate some of the arguments that have inspired me to look further into this and much of the conclusion it has helped me to reach in this regard. 

The science:    

For many years now, in fact many decades well informed and educated people, scientists and researchers have been intimating that there have been and will be significant evidences that human beings are directly impacting on the natural world, our environments and the ecosystems long since established and performing across the globe. Not simply a mild disregard for the planet but a biological and environmental catastrophe with as yet unprecedented scale whilst human beings live on the earth.
In late 2018 the United Nations’ IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) published the findings of their investigations and research done by the worlds leading climate scientists. In short the appraisal of that investigation made several key and fundamental points, which are:- We have a very small window of opportunity to begin to take the problem seriously and act. That we are already suffering from the lack of action in previous generations and may not be able to avoid predicted rises that are already locked in from earlier carbon dioxide rises. Peer reviews of over 6000 works gave the panel a lot to consider, but their conclusions do not specify whether we would be able to stop completely the effects, simply that if we fail to act immediately the outcomes will mean almost certain death to millions if not billions of people alive today.

The extent of the problem:

It seems that every aspect of our lives, the conventions of business as usual in regard to the exploitation of the planets resources, the way we will be able to feed ourselves and heat and power our homes are going to have to be looked at. The way we travel, the structures of employment and the thirst for more material abundance have got to be seriously considered as a matter of grave urgency if we are collectively to avoid mass starvation, disease and poverty and the extinction of animals, plants, creatures and micro organisms. In fact it is conservatively estimated that millions of people and billions of animals will be displaced by the effects of sea level rise as a direct result of global warming. Mass migration to higher ground will inevitable stretch the sustainability of maintaining the current levels of earth wide population in ways we have yet to properly consider. But the inalienable truth seems to be that massive suffering and loss of life will result in the face of this expected sea level change caused by the globally higher temperatures melting the polar ice caps. Added to which if the Gulf Stream becomes interrupted the speed at which these changes occur will be compounded and create exponential alterations to the math on which the IPCC climate report is based.
What will be lost:

The ability to sustain life for the current population of nearly 7.5 Billion people. Millions of plant and animal species that rely on the geography of their habitats, the relatively stable (until now) global temperatures of the past thousands of years. Coral reefs, jungles and rain forests, grazing lands and productive arable land for feeding human beings. Fish that live in colder water will have to move and then the effectiveness of the global food chain will collapse. And after all of this the struggles introduced will inevitably lead to a breakdown of the fabric of society and if the climate doesn’t kill us the uncooperative and selfish attitude to follow will. I don’t say this lightly and without fear of causing distress, I have merely joined the dots to consider the full ramifications of, inaction on a massive scale.

Who is causing this problem:


In short we all are. However some people, mainly those that sympathise with the Neo-liberal ideologies and exploit the planet and others are the main cause. Capitalism who’s stated goal is to maximise profit above any other motive is the leading factor in this degradation of the planet. It’s ability to externalise all of its negative behaviour and make everyone else to blame is the most obvious offender. In fact anyone or thing that disregards the well-being of the planet and all life on earth are the cause of this. Let’s not beat about the bush, we need individual responsibility and collaboration on scales as yet never the like of seen in the modern age or recorded history.

What is causing the problem: 

The behavioural patterns of human beings is by far and away the most clear contributor to the climate emergency. The rises in carbon emissions through things such as air transport, road building, the continued burning of fossil fuels for heating and energy, the wasting of massive amounts of energy produced by creating the ‘Luxuries' of the western world which then become so easily discarded and go into landfill. Ineffective single use initiatives for resources, dairy, livestock and factory farming of animals for food. Fashion, lavish lifestyle choices, a lack of ability to share community and services, overwork and under valuing of human labour are all contributors to the threat we face. In the developed world the greed and corruption has never been so rife amongst those involved in governance as it is today. A seeming inability to empathise with the suffering of others and a denial that those activities cause both direct and or indirect suffering through exploitation .

Who needs to do something:  


Every living human being with the capacity to do something has the obligation to make changes however small to show solidarity with this cause. And then to inspire and or engage others in the discussions around the crisis until such time as there exists no existential threat. In truth however the biggest action is needed from those corporations who’s practices are directly damaging to the fabric of the planet, fresh water, soil quality, air quality and greenhouse gas emissions. The top 100 companies in the world are the cause of over 70% of all of the pollution and GGGE in our atmosphere.

Best case scenarios:


We fight to make the case, everyone listens, engages in personal edification of the facts, acts on that and the threat currently faced is averted. 

This is likely not to occur given the ignorance of the past several hundreds of years and the lack of understanding of the structure of life on earth as a symbiosis with each element. The failure to have considered with any seriousness the inevitability of taking supposed infinite amounts of resource from a finite resourced planet was crucial in determining where we have now arrived. In other words a selective ignorance about the mathematics to aid exploitation without culpability. 

Worst case scenarios:  

The carbon emissions continue unabated, global temperatures rise, sea levels rise, crop failure becomes global and the water and land is so polluted we cannot feed from them. Everyone and everything dies or is destroyed. It may not be that simple but we’ve never taken the abuse of the planet this far. So it could indeed be this simple. Extinction of vast swathes of life on this planet and a climate inhospitable for human beings.

* List of research sources. (This is not exhaustive, merely a few of my favourites)

An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore documentary.
Roger Revelle, CO2 in the atmosphere.
AMOC - Gulf stream.
Population rise and food.
The corporation - Documentary
Plastic - Single use.
Earthlings - a documentary.
Capitalism a love story - Documentary.
Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
The cause needs you.

Peaceful Warrior.
Extinction Rebellion

Climate Activist.