Saturday, 2 November 2019

Democracy, truth or lie ?

Democracy, truth or lie ?

I woke up in a cold sweat and recalled the tragedy of my dream. The earth was being destroyed at an alarming rate and creatures and life forms were disappearing on an hourly basis. The ones responsible for governance were not at all interested in quitting the polluting and destructive behaviours favoured by large companies and institutions for they received large donations and sweeteners from those companies. War raged and millions were being displaced and became homeless, starving and cold whilst oil extractions took place all around them. Children played in the debris and looked on horrified at the rubble that was once their school or hospital, wondering if the noise would ever abate. Queues of ordinary people lined the pavements waiting for scraps of food from the almost empty shops, and fighting erupted between people once good neighbours.

As the mist cleared from my head and my eyes became accustomed to the morning light I recoiled, realising that none of this was a dream. This was the world in which we all live. Lord help us…

As the days move along I see that nothing significant has changed in a very long time, except that the telling of truth has become a rebellious act. Politicians, mainly those who have been in government over the recent decades, have presided over a total shift in the open and honest discussions that were once the pride of our nation. Secrets being kept under wraps in the name of ‘National Security’ that offers no-one except the guilty safety from punishment have dominated the governments narrative for far too long. Those in ‘power’ have no obvious moral guidelines, and no recall from telling lies that are hurting innocent people and disgracing the idea of a democratic state. It is a very bad state of affairs that those that tell the truth are being hounded by well funded media and corporate institutions, who falsely accuse them, of trickery and disloyalty. Those very institutions are themselves unaccountable to anyone for blatant disregard to the art of truth and support for a democratic dealing with the citizens of our planet.

The BBC that had once been the servant of journalistic freedom has now been reduced to a faithful slave to the elites that control our governments and law institutions. The only truth they seem to know these days is to a fabrication of loyalty to the crown and oppressive regime they bow down to. To anyone who can see the truth, this broadcasting company is serving the interests of none of the ordinary people, but that of the wealthy corrupt corporations who are the very cause of 99% of the destructive behaviour we see.

I often wonder just how things got to be so messed up. How the poor and working people became surplus to requirements instead of being treated with dignity and respect for their labours. Was there a turning point or was this a gradual slide into injustice and oppression? 

Having done quite a lot of personal research into this I still find my naivety often lost under the weight of evidence to suggest this has been a well thought out cycle of oppression and exploitation by certain groups of people over a sustained period of human history. I guess it serves no-one for me to name those I see as responsible, for everything is subjective, but suffice as to say I do name our governments of the last few hundred years or so, the media moguls and the huge corporations who have decimated our planet to extract materials for profit. It seems that a ‘Frankenstein monster’ has been allowed to be created and go unchallenged for so long, that to do so now seems futile. However I say it is not futile but lazy and irresponsible if we don’t actually hold this monster to account and stop it doing more harm.

Logic would dictate that if faced with an imminent threat, a huge upsurge in participation would occur to stave off the threat posed. Those with knowledge, influence and power would logically be the first to act in defence of others rights to life, security and democracy. The reality is however that they are the last ones to act in defence of our democracy, our wellbeing or our human rights. It has always fallen to the brave to stand up and reveal the truth to others and share ideas of how to survive, deal with or escape the impending troubles. In this our world leaders are complicit in lethargy, denial and inaction on scales never before witnessed. They would rather lock it all up under some pretext of avoiding public panic and outcry, when the very truth of the situation is exactly the message we need to make us all wake up and act now.

For a very long time I was ignorant and complicit in not doing enough to make the situation known to others. Like the rest of us I thought that some things needed to be ‘kept a secret’ for public safety, balance and future development of society. NOW I know, unequivocally that there is no more time for inaction, talking it over nicely over a cup of tea and a biscuit. The truth is my dear reader, that the human race is on the verge of extinction itself and hiding facts and evidence, denying there is a problem is only going to cause much more suffering. No-one wants to suffer, that defeats the whole ideal of a good life and happiness. But we must face facts, learn what we can do to avert the worst of the outcomes and for the love of all that we hold dear, only accept the TRUTH as our friend.

Those that continue to tell us un-truths, lies and attempt to deceive us must not be allowed to continue. We need to expose those lies and that corruption before we cannot stop the impending onslaught that the outcome that ideology creates, which is death and suffering. Dear readers please go away from this point and look for the truth that will set us free. Listen not to those that tell us what they think we ought to know, and only those that can back up with facts and evidence the truth they tell. Do all your own reading and research and filter out all the ego and agenda that so many promote. 

One day we might be able to look our children and grandchildren in the eye and say we did not give up despite the overwhelming trickery of our governments and media to deny us a future.

If you want justice, a fair shot at the chance to live in a world without fear and suffering then we must unite in the work of exposing the lie and telling the truth at all times.

In solidarity.
Peaceful Warrior.

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